Canada’s Intellectual Property Firm

Patented Medicine Prices Review Board releases March 2018 NEWSletter

The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) released its March 2018 NEWSletter (the first NEWSletter since July 2017). Highlights include:

  • an update on the PMPRB guidelines to reflect the “future framework envisioned by the PMPRB [which] aspires towards bright line tests that yield ceiling prices that are reasonable and foreseeable to patentees” (see our prior articles on the proposed amended Patented Medicines Regulations and scoping paper here and here);
  • the release of the PMPRB’s 2016 Annual Report (released October 2017), Alignment among Public Formularies in Canada – Part 1: General Overview (published October 2017), Generics 360: Generic Drugs in Canada, 2016 (published February 2018); and
  • notice that the following publications are to be released in 2018: Meds Entry Watch, 2nd Edition; CompassRx, 4th Edition; and Potential Savings from Biosimilars in Canada.