Canada’s Intellectual Property Firm

CIPO’s Proposed Trademark Fee Increases for 2024

Authored byBrigitte Chan

Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)’s proposal for fee adjustments is expected to come into force on January 1st, 2024.

We suggest reviewing your trademark portfolio for possible filings, renewals and other tasks that can be done in 2023 to benefit from cost savings.

The fee adjustments would apply to most of the fees for CIPO trademark services, including filing applications and renewing registrations. The proposal maintains the current fee structure, but would increase most fees by 25%, subject to exceptions.  For a complete list, see CIPO’s Draft Fee Proposal. Below are some of the proposed fee increases, including the annual adjustment.

Filing Fees*Current feeProposed fee
1st class:$347.35$458.00
Each additional class:$105.26$139.00
Renewal Fees*
1st class:$421.02$555.00
Each additional class:$131.58$173.00
Assignments/Ownership Transfers
Filing fee$100.00$125.00
Statement of Opposition
Filing fee$789.43$1,040.00
Extensions of Time (where applicable)
Filing fee$125.00$150.00
Request S.45/Expungement Proceedings
Filing fee$421.02$555.00
Registration Fee
Filing fee$210.51$277.00

*For online filings

CIPO states that the proposed fee adjustments will allow CIPO to address structural deficits, account for inflation, and keep pace with its international counterparts. Canada’s IP fees have not undergone comprehensive review since 2004, and Canada’s trademark registration fees have generally been lower than comparable IP offices in the US and EU.

While the fee increase is not yet finalized, it will likely be finalized for publication in the Canada Gazette, Part II later this year.

For any questions or additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.