Canada’s Intellectual Property Firm

Smart & Biggar joins IP leaders at the AIPLA Mid-Winter Institute 2023

Next week, Daphne Lainson, Life Sciences practice group leader and Principal in our Ottawa office, will join IP leaders from around the world in San Diego, California at this year’s American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) Mid-Winter Institute from January 31 to February 3, 2023.

Smart & Biggar is proud to co-sponsor the IP Practice in Japan (IPPJ) committee Pre-Meeting and Committee Dinner on Monday, January 30 and Tuesday, January 31. Open to all AIPLA members  the event is a great opportunity for networking with colleagues from Japan and other countries, and will feature presentations from AIPLA, the Japan Patent Attorney Association (JPAA), the International Association for the Protection of the Intellectual Property in Japan (AIPPI-J), Japan Trademark Association (JTA) and Japan Patent Office (JPO) on a range of topics.

The Annual AIPLA Mid-Winter Institute brings together the global IP community to share their ideas and skills to connect in person each year.

This year’s conference, titled “A Post-Pandemic IP Workout:  IP through the lens of health, sports, and wellness,” focuses on the intersection of Patents and Trademarks in the exercise system and will review data protections through prisms made of telehealth and sports medicine, and fitness technology.

Visit the AIPLA website to learn more and view the full conference program.


Founded in 1897, AIPLA is the premier legal association focusing on intellectual property issues of both national and international impact. Members are individuals, companies and institutions involved directly or indirectly in the practice of patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, and unfair competition law, as well as other fields of law affecting intellectual property. Members are both owners and users of intellectual property.

About Smart & Biggar

Smart & Biggar is widely recognized as Canada’s leading intellectual property firm, with offices in Montréal, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary. We are leaders in intellectual property and have been serving clients for over a century. Smart & Biggar operates as part of the  IPH Limited group, under its own brand and independent from other IPH member firms.