Canada’s Intellectual Property Firm


Helping industries with the fundamentals of nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is often crucial to fundamental, breakthrough innovations. It is imperative that nanotechnology innovators leverage their success in order to overcome the costs of lengthy and capital-intensive R&D cycles. This places the utmost importance on intellectual-property strategies, and the development of a high-quality patent portfolio.

Our professionals have highly-technical backgrounds, with skilled expertise covering all aspects of materials science, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and engineering, as well as significant experience with applications in a broad range of industries, including medicine, information technology, energy, textiles and manufacturing. We understand the unique technical challenges of nanotechnology. We are organized to assist our clients with top-ranked, multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary teams to address innovations and matters in technical fields that are so new they have yet to be named.

Clients trust our specialized IP experts to provide high-quality, timely and cost-effective service for protecting and enforcing their intellectual property. We understand the intricacies that make your innovations so unique and speak your technical language.

Our services include:

  • Preparing and prosecuting patent applications worldwide while addressing the unique technical and legal issues pertaining to quantum and nanotechnologies
  • Preparing and negotiating license agreements
  • Conducting due diligence investigations
  • Providing patentability, validity, and infringement searches and opinions
  • Providing strategic advice on intellectual property rights
  • Enforcing intellectual property rights

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