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- Trademark Oppositions & Cancellation Proceedings
- IP Strategic Advisory
- IP Litigation & Enforcement
- Copyright Litigation & Enforcement
- Industrial Designs Litigation & Enforcement
- Marketing & Advertising
- Plant Breeders’ Rights
- Copyright & Digital Media
- Life Sciences Regulatory & Compliance
- Trademark Litigation & Enforcement
- Trademarks & Brand Protection
- IP Licensing & Transactions
- Patents
- Pharmaceutical Litigation
- IP Crime & Anti-Counterfeiting
- Industrial Designs
- Cannabis
- Nanotechnology
- Energy, Oil & Gas
- Electronics & Computer Technology
- Telecommunications
- Robotics
- Quantum Technologies
- Cleantech
- Software, Information & Cloud Technology
- Consumer Products
- Financial Services & Technology
- Artificial Intelligence
- Pharmaceutical & Biologics
- Internet, Digital Media & E-Commerce
- Automotive
- Medical Devices
- Luxury Goods & Apparel
- Agricultural Sciences
- Chemical & Biotechnology
- Psychedelics
- Railways
- Food & Beverage
- Manufacturing, Industrial Goods & Machinery
- Aerospace, Aeronautics & Aviation
- Insights
- Careers
- Who we are